
The Flight & The Aftermath – 1/7/18

Later in the day on Saturday I was finally allowed to check-in and wait for the the flight that was to go out 8am that morning. Once again they didn’t know when, but they “promised” it would go out that night. Doubtful, but not wanting to commute back and forth from the airport anymore, I took my chances. At least there was soap in the bathrooms and places to sit on the other side of security.

By the time evening came they announced a boarding time. For about two hours they made a fairly regular announcement every 20 minutes that boarding would be delayed by 20 minutes.

By around 8pm after I had been at the airport for about 15 hours we were finally able to board the plane. I wasn’t even surprised when we sat on the tarmac for who knows how long. At least I managed to get out before the pipe broke and flooded the terminal!

Eventually we did make it in the air and other than having very swollen feet, ankles & legs from all the standing and then sitting on the long flight, I made it to Moscow in one piece!

Not so much for my luggage. There was a Russian message over the intercom and then a mad rush to the lost and found desk. Of course I didn’t know what it said, but I had a sinking feeling what it meant. 

Oh goody another line to join! Really a complete lack of line because Russians are not known for their line forming habits.

Get this, the entire flight did not get their luggage!

Aeroflot must have sent luggage from a previous flight on ours or unloaded the luggage of passengers going on connecting flights.

The next day I found out from another co-worker that flew in later that there were piles and piles of luggage around the airport from JFK.

Two days later I was taking a taxi back to the airport to retrieve my luggage. It was my 6th day at an airport in one week!

I went with a colleague who was also retrieving his baggage from an Aeroflot flight from a different departure city. This was the 5th time he has lost his luggage with that airline. Needless to say we were sharing our woes about the company and our doubts about flying with them again.

Baggage room at the airport.

And go search for your luggage!

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